Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and considering the abortion pill?

You may have heard that the abortion pill is the simplest option in dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, but did you know that your individual pregnancy and medical history must be evaluated to ensure your safety and long-term health?

For the sake of your health, it is important to understand the facts before deciding whether the abortion pill is right for you.

What is the Abortion Pill?

The term “abortion pill,” also known as medical abortion, typically refers to the use of two drugs—mifepristone or misoprostol, to induce a medical abortion.

Mifepristone is used first and prevents the uterus from supporting a healthy pregnancy by blocking progesterone. Then, misoprostol is administered, causing the uterus to contract, resulting in the expulsion of the pregnancy.

Limitations of Medical Abortion

The age of the pregnancy, the location of the pregnancy, and your individual medical history can determine your eligibility for the abortion pill.

Location of Pregnancy

The location of the pregnancy impacts eligibility for a medical abortion. According to the FDA, a medical abortion in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, when the pregnancy implants outside the uterus, poses serious health complications. An ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical risk that requires emergency medical attention.

Age of Pregnancy

Knowing the age of your pregnancy is also critical.

The FDA warns that using the abortion pill increases the risk of an incomplete abortion after 10 weeks of pregnancy. An incomplete abortion requires immediate follow-up medical care, and an incomplete abortion can lead to other negative health outcomes for the woman.

Medical History

Other conditions, such as your medical history, can impact your ability to have a medical abortion. These conditions can include:

  • Having an intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Taking a blood thinner or certain steroid medications
  • Can’t make follow-up visits to your doctor
  • Can’t access emergency care
  • Having an allergy to the medications used during a medical abortion
  • Having certain medical issues such as bleeding disorders, heart or blood vessel diseases, severe lung, liver, or kidney disease, or an uncontrolled seizure disorder

Receive Support Today

Deciding whether or not to proceed with a medical abortion is a complex issue that requires an individualized evaluation of your pregnancy by a medical professional.

If you are unsure what to do next, the New Beginnings Pregnancy Center team is here to help.

Our trained staff are here to answer your questions and offer a free pre-abortion consultation.

This consultation can confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test and a follow-up limited ultrasound scan to help you learn important details, like the age and location of your pregnancy.

Contact us today to schedule your free and confidential appointment.