If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be wondering what options are available to you. One of the options that may seem the easiest is ordering the abortion pill online, also known as an online abortion or DIY abortion.

But there are several details and limitations regarding the abortion pill, as well as attempting to order the pill online, that you need to be aware of. It’s important you take the time to understand these details to best protect your health and future.

Abortion Restrictions

The first limitation to be aware of is whether your state has restrictions on ordering the abortion pill online. After the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, many states have changed their laws regarding abortion availability.

Another limitation is the guidance from the FDA against ordering the abortion pill online. The FDA warns that trying to order the abortion pill online from an unregulated provider can put your health at risk due to a lack of quality in the drugs, ordering the wrong dosage, and not having the guidance of a medical provider.

Additional Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online 

As mentioned above, attempting an online abortion without the supervision of a medical provider can be a risk to your health.

Your medical care provider will be able to identify whether there are factors that make you ineligible for the abortion pill.

One of the key factors that your doctor will want to know is the age of your pregnancy (how far along you are). According to the FDA, the abortion pill is not recommended after 10 weeks of pregnancy, so your doctor will likely suggest an ultrasound scan to determine the age of your pregnancy.

There are also preexisting conditions that you may have that can make it dangerous for your health to use the abortion pill.

These conditions can include but are not limited to:

  • Having an intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Taking a blood thinner or certain steroid medications
  • Having an allergy to the medications used during a medical abortion
  • Having certain medical issues such as bleeding disorders, heart or blood vessel diseases, severe lung, liver, or kidney disease, or an uncontrolled seizure disorder

Getting the Answers You Need

The first step in knowing what options are available to you is learning the details of your pregnancy. An ultrasound scan can determine the age of your pregnancy as well as make sure you don’t have complications like an ectopic pregnancy.

New Beginnings Pregnancy Center can provide you with lab-quality pregnancy testing to confirm your pregnancy and a follow-up limited ultrasound scan to give you the details you need to make the best decision for your pregnancy.

Contact us today to schedule your free and confidential appointment.