You may feel like you’re letting your parents down with the news of an unplanned pregnancy, and you can’t bring yourself to share the news. You are not alone. 

Remember, you are not a failure, and you can do this. This is one of the biggest steps to take along the process, and once you do it, you can take one more step towards confidence in your journey.

Take Time to Process

We know it’s not easy to share the news of your pregnancy. To do your best emotionally when sharing the news, take a moment to process your emotions by yourself. 

Try not to suppress your emotions, but work through them as they come. Give yourself lots of grace and compassion. You deserve it.

Think About Timing

Timing is everything when it comes to sharing news with your parents. If you know their schedule, try timing it where they are most relaxed and comfortable. Choose a weekend when they’re off work and not under high stress.

Though you can do your best to plan the timing, know that their reaction to the news is out of your hands and control. All you can do is control how you respond.

Take in Their Input

As your parents take in the news, do your best to remain calm and speak slowly. They may react in various ways, but how you respond to their input is important. Answer any questions they have calmly and informatively.

No matter what they say, the pregnancy decision is ultimately yours to make. If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe sharing the news with a parent, do it over the phone or through another way of communication if you feel like distance is needed.

Care You Can Trust

If you would like to confirm your pregnancy or learn about your pregnancy options, our team is here to serve and support you regarding your pregnancy. We will not pressure you into any pregnancy decision but provide free and confidential support so you can make an empowered decision. We are here to listen. Schedule a free appointment to get started. You can do this.